Hi all,
I want to take a moment to wish everyone a very
Happy and Prosperous New Year. May all your hostas flourish
this season.
For a while now I have been asking members to
update their email addresses with our membership Secretary,
Sandie Markland. This new email newsletter is the reason.
The paper newsletter was discontinued at last summer’s
board meeting in order to reduce expenses.
Sandie Markland |
However, in order to continue communications with members and
offer reminders, news, timely information, hosta tips and
suggestions, I have initiated this email newsletter. It is my
intention to send it out at least quarterly, time and information
being the determining factor. Each newsletter will also be
archived on our website under the Community Heading link in the
left column. Since not everyone has updated their email addresses,
please let all your friends and fellow AHS members know about this
new line of communication. You may subscribe or unsubscribe to
this e-newsletter through the following link. AHS E-mail Hosta Newsletter I also
welcome ideas, tips, and suggestions to include in future issues. |
Are you still a
member? |
It is time to make sure your AHS membership is up-to-date.
Memberships run from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 of each year. A mailing was
sent to everyone on our mailing list to remind them to renew their
memberships. The number following your name is the year your
membership expires. I hope you all took advantage of this reminder
and got them in before the Jan. 15 deadline. A $5 late fee is
assessed on renewals after that date because additional costs are
incurred in processing late renewals. All renewals sent in after
the late date must include the late fee. Membership information is
available on our website at www.hosta.org. |
The voucher program that was so successful in encouraging
new memberships last year is still available, so please let
fellow hosta enthusiasts know about this program so they can
take advantage of a new AHS membership and receive a voucher
worth $15 from participating nurseries. Visit our website
for more information and a list of participating nurseries. |
Of the nearly 3,000 letters that were mailed first class to
members in early Jan. about 20 were returned as undeliverable. If
you did not get a letter, the information we have in our database
is incorrect and we need your help in correcting it. Please
contact our Membership Secretary and provide the correct
This is important as within the next few months a new
and Membership Directory will be produced. If any reader has
recently changed their address or email address please make sure
that our Membership Secretary has the correct listing in her
database. Please check the recent Directory to be sure your
information is correct. |
The Online
Hosta Journal |
The Online
Hosta Journal which was released in early December has been a resounding success! While initially a few comments were received from members that were unhappy with the decision to produce the Journal online, the majority of our members have understood the necessity of making this decision and are willing to make a few changes in order for the society we all love to continue and to flourish. Many favorable comments have been received and by and large members have embraced the new online format. The advantages are more articles, not needing to limit word counts for space consideration, and above all, more and larger photos. I want to thank the online Journal team for all their hard work and dedication to creating this beautiful publication. I also want to thank the membership for your understanding and the need to make this decision. |
Upcoming Events! |
The new hosta
year is underway. The Winter Scientific Meeting of the
Midwest Regional Hosta Society was held on Jan. 22. (I’m
sorry this came out too late for announcing, but this new
email venture has taken a bit longer to create than I
envisioned). It's always a great way to start off the New
Year! Don’t miss it next year! The MRHS convention is also
coming up this summer visit their website at www.midwesthostasociety.org. |
Our ninth annual
American Hosta Society on-line auction begins Saturday, January
15th and runs through Saturday, January 29th. Events such as this
require the efforts of many volunteers, representing numerous
hours of dedicated time. Thanks goes out to those who are
instrumental in providing the support, created the site, are vital
to spreading the information, donors of materials being auctioned,
and all those choosing to support the AHS with their bidding.
Special thanks to Bob Axmear for allowing us to use his Hosta
Library site again this year.
We all love to look at great pictures and dream of
our next treasure to arrive in the mail next spring. Donations
have been coming in stronger than ever, and we have many great
offerings from around the country. We are on track for one of our
best auctions ever if things continue in this direction.
Send your donations any time beginning NOW. These
plants do not have to be rare or have scarce availability; they
can be a new plant that you have registered, classic favorites or
collections of favorites. Streaked breeder plants are always
popular as well. Please consider donations to help support the
AHS. Include a paragraph description and digital photo. Click on
the link on our website for more information.
All proceeds go directly to the society’s treasury.
Auctions are a primary source of revenue to bring one of the
world’s best horticultural journals to its members and libraries
across North America and abroad. The Hosta Journal can only stand
to increase its standing as a premier publication as a result of
all of your support! AHS membership is not required to
participate. Payments can be made through our website. Check it
out, tell your friends and above all have fun!
2011 AHS Online
Auction - January 15th to January 29th - http://hostalibrary.org/ahs/
close behind the AHS auction in February will be the First Look
Online Auction. First
Look is the meeting for AHS Region 1, held on the east coast each
summer. First Look features new, exciting, and unusual seedlings
and hosta sports. This year the meeting will be held in
conjunction with our national convention in Massachusetts. An auction of
new, unusual, and exciting plants is also held each winter to
raise funds for various hosta related projects. |
HVX Research |
On behalf
of the American Hosta Society I wish to thank all those
individuals, local and regional hosta societies, and trade
associations that have generously contributed to the next phase of
HVX research. To date we are at 48% of our funding goal. Our
plan remains to initiate the phase 2 research project in the
spring of 2011. However we need your help. It is not too late to
contribute. You will find more information available on the AHS
website including the proposed scope of research, the proposal
received from the University of Minnesota, and how to make a
donation. Based on our current funding level we will be making a
decision shortly on a possible reduction in the scope of the
research project if needed in order to match available funds. The
second phase of the HVX research will be starting this year and in
order to complete the entire scope of the research, funds are
still needed. If your society has not contributed to this valuable
research, please consider making a donation. Individuals may
contribute as well! Information about the first phase of the
research as well as this second phase is available on our website.
Rob Mortko |
“Hostas and
Heritage” - The 2011 AHS National Convention
June 22-25, Marlborough, Massachusetts
I would like to
tell everyone how much I am looking forward to this summer’s
convention, “Hostas and Heritage” being held June 22-25 in
Marlborough, Mass. The AHS has never held a convention in New
England and I have not spent any time touring this historic part
of our country. Becki (my wife) and I are excited to visit and
plan to spend some extra time visiting the area. The convention is
shaping up to be a great one and I hope you are planning on
attending. Information is also posted on our website. Check out
the previews of the gardens on the convention website. They look
to be wonderful.
Go to the
Convention Website |
All Aboard! |
Lest you
think this is too far to travel for those of us “Out West” or
Midwest anyway, there is an exciting opportunity to make the trip
by rail. AHS member Bob Balitewicz aka “Indiana Bob” has
arranged a trip via Amtrak. Travelers can jump aboard the “Hosta
Express” at any train station along the Amtrak line between
Chicago and terminating in Worcester, Mass. Bob has arranged for
train travelers to be picked up and brought back to the train
station in Mass. |
says to make reservations, call Amtrak at 800-872-7245. Advanced tickets
are needed. The code for the 10% discount convention rate is X58D-909.
The code for a 15% senior discount is D0D1E. Book train 448 departing on
either Mon. June 20 or Tue. June 21. The return train is no. 449
returning Sun. June 26. Bob asks that ticketers notify him after
purchasing tickets so he can keep an accurate total for the block of
tickets reserved.
Travelers can congregate in the parlor car for
pre-convention fellowship and revelry. The cost of train travel will
depend on the station a person boards the train, but it much less
expensive than travel by car. Bob says the trip from Chicago saves over
$60 for tolls alone. What a great way to fellowship with hosta friends
to while away the miles!
Bob "Indiana Bob" Balitewicz |
Hostas, Friends,
& Music - The 2012 AHS National Convention |
In 2012,
as we venture into Mason Dixon territories, treasures such as
southern hospitality and genteel gardens invite our relaxing
imagination to wonder, sweet smell of magnolia and all.
“Friends-Music-Hostas” is scheduled for June 13-16, 2012. Mark
the date!
We hope you all make a very special attempt to attend
these wonderful conventions with us. These are both new venues for
AHS conventions and the committees have worked hard to show their
local hospitality, new and beautiful gardens and the sites and
culture of their area.
Info |
The AHS is excited about
opening up discussions with any local hosta club or society to host a
National Conventions starting with 2013 and beyond. Please contact
Doug Beilstein, for information concerning the process needed to hold
these spectacular conventions.
Doug Beilstein
Award Nomination
Time! |
This is just a short
reminder to all of you that nominations are now being accepted
for both the Alex J. Summers Distinguished Merit Award and the
Eunice Fisher Distinguished Hybridizer Merit Award. These awards
are given to both recognize outstanding service to the American
Hosta Society and to recognize hybridizers who have contributed
a number of hostas to the Genus Hosta.
Please send the name of the person you are
nominating, the reasons you are nominating them and your name
and contact information to Chuck Zdeb VP Awards and Honors.
Thanks everyone for your attention to this important service.
The Benedict Garden
Performance Award |
Want to be involved in the selection process for our premier plant
award, known as The Benedict Medal? Become a Garden Judge!
Based on their own gardening experience, and using criteria
developed by the AHS, a Garden Judge votes to determine the best
hosta garden performers through a once a year balloting procedure.
These votes are used to
determine the winners of the Benedict Garden Performance Awards, which
recognizes hostas that have proven to be superior garden performers,
plants that have exceptional characteristics, grab your attention and
make you want to take a closer look at them.
These awards are named in
honor of the late Dr. Ralph H. (Herb) Benedict, a renowned hybridizer,
a hosta lover and a strong supporter of the American Hosta Society.
Anyone who has been a
member of the AHS for 3 consecutive years, has a broad knowledge of
hostas and is willing to visit gardens in their region is eligible to
apply to be a garden judge. Complete instructions
and an application are available on the AHS website.
Questions? Contact
Meg Dalton
Hosta Journal News |
We are on schedule
to send the first issue of the printed version of The Hosta
Journal in early March. The second issue should be in late July or
early August. Please make sure we have your current address
registered with the membership secretary (who prepares the mailing
Included with the Spring Journal will be a copy of
the 2010 Registration book produced once again by our hard-working
International Registrar, Kevin Walek. If you have not yet visited
the web site at www.hostaregistrar.org you have a real treat
waiting for you. |
The Popularity Poll |
There is still time to vote in the popularity poll. It can easily be
done at the AHS web site. The directions are very straightforward and
easy. The deadline for the 2010 popularity poll is March 1 (very shortly
thereafter we will begin voting for 2011). If you have any problems
voting please contact our Journal Editor, Bob Olson. The more votes we
get, the more accurate the poll will be in reflecting the collective
judgment of the American Hostas Society members.
in the Popularity Poll |
- Have a question or problem
you need help with? Wondering what new hostas everyone is lusting
after? Want to see or share some inspiring hosta photos?
The forum is the place to be! Hop on over to the AHS forum for a
little hosta talk to help pass the cold winter days!
- If you are a member of a local
hosta society, please take a moment to make sure you society's
information on the Local Societies page is up-to-date:
- If you have
corrections, please contact Josh or Betty. We will get your
society's information corrected quickly!
Odds and Ends |
This is the place I plan to write about thoughts, ideas, problems,
solutions, suggestions etc. Above I asked for your thoughts, please send
them to me and I hope to include them under this heading. |
Happening in the Hosta Garden?
What’s happening in your hosta garden now? Well for those of us up
north, not much, our gardens are covered with snow. Some areas many feet
of snow! Those in more southerly climes are not doing much hosta
gardening either, but at least you can see your garden. While you are
looking, watch out for those telltale tunnels just below the mulch from
voles, not to be confused with moles, which are a different creature.
Voles tunnel just beneath the soil surface or mulch and devour our
beloved hosta roots. If you see bulging tunnels in the mulch it’s best
to remove the mulch in order to discourage those pesky voles. Other
remedies are to incorporate sharp gravel in the soil surrounding hosta
roots. Some gardeners with heavy infestations of voles build wire cages
from ¼” mesh wire to surround their hosta roots at planting time to
discourage vole tunneling. |
Those of us up north are
content watching our hosta seedlings grow. |
New Rules announced for
2011 AHS/Hosta Journal Photo Contest
By Andy Marlow, Photo Editor, The Hosta Journal
Even though
it’s winter and there are about three feet of snow on top of my
hostas, it’s not too early for you to be thinking about
photographing your hostas for the 2011 photo contest. To make
things easier for you, and to make the resulting photos more
interesting for those who view them, AHS awards VP Chuck Zdeb and
I have made some changes to the categories for entries. Official
rules will be published in The Hosta Journal, but here’s a
preview of the new line up:
Category 1: Best Hosta Close-up. Get up close. Focus on a
single leaf or just a few at most. Give us lots of detail.
Category 2: Best Picture of an Entire Mature Hosta Clump.
Make sure it’s a well-grown clump. Give us a sense of its total
impact on the senses. Make sure to identify the plant for us.
Category 3: Best Landscape Picture Showing Multiple Clumps.
Identify all the hostas in the photo, and keep the focus on the
Category 4: Best Landscape Picture Involving Hosta. Can
include other plants, garden structures or other non-plant
Category 5: (NEW)
Artistic Impression. Let your imagination run wild, but the photo
must contain a hosta element. Can include digital manipulation (Photoshopping),
montage, wildlife, etc. If there are any people in the photo they
must be identified in the entry. If they are not, your entry will
not be considered complete.
The deadline for entries is December 1, 2011, so you
have plenty of time to snap photos through the growing season and
submit the very best. Watch for all the details about how to enter
and where to send your photos in an upcoming issue of The Hosta
Journal. |
Thanks for
letting me fill you in on what's happening in the AHS at this time of
Happy Hostas!
Tom Micheletti
AHS President |
Help Wanted - Newsletter Editor:
With this issue, the AHS is initiating
a quarterly E-newsletter and we are looking for someone to take on
the position of Newsletter Editor. Much of the content will be
provided by the AHS Board, but there is no limit to size in this
format so more can be added. We have a large library of photos
available as well. Newsletter editing experience preferred but not
necessary. Experience with HTML pages not necessary. Email lists are
already set up. If you are interested in taking on this
rewarding position, please contact Tom