Doug Beilstein,
AHS President
President's Message
our friend Willie sang, “On the road again.....” It seems that only
yesterday Mardy and I were walking the absolutely wonderful gardens of
Nashville. Convention co-chairs, Cornelia Holland and Virginia
Gregory-Kocaj, and the Middle Tennessee Hosta Society really put on a superb display of southern hospitality
and tranquility which over 400 attendees enjoyed.
“Out on the road again.....” The Great Lakes Region sponsored a 'Tailgate
Convention' near Grand Rapids, Michigan. An auction, garden tours
(reached by cars), and a wonderful cookout were all included. Did I
mention that you could sell/vend out of your trunk if you were so
inclined!? Thanks, GLR, Bob Sinke, and his whole crew! A great time was
had by all. I understand that they already have locations lined up for
the next three years!!!
“Back on the road again.....” Mardy and I
just got back home from the Midwest Regional. We had a wonderful time in Rochester, Minnesota
renewing friendships, enjoying gardens, buying a few plants, and taking
in an entertaining auction. Cindy Tomashek and her Shades of Green crew
headed this one up, and it was nothing short of primo.
another note, we have two new Vice Presidents at the national level. VP
of Publications is Barb Schroeder out there in southern Illinois. VP of
Membership Services is Mary Ann Metz - another Illinois gal. Both bring
energy, excitement, and enthusiasm to their new roles. Welcome to them
and thanks for joining the national level of AHS leadership!
could write columns about the heat this year. Suffice it to say don't
forget to water the hosta… Not for this year - but for next year!
Contact Doug Beilstein

Barb Schroeder,
Vice President, Publications
The American Hosta Society
(AHS) is a society dedicated to the study, education and development of the Genus Hosta and the dissemination of general and scientific
knowledge about them. There are many benefits for our members that result from
these efforts, both social and in nursery trade.
To promote the AHS and
your local club, the AHS is doing an inventory reduction of issues of The Hosta Journal. The AHS will send boxes
of past journals to interested local societies at no charge. All we ask is that you
promote the AHS and your LOCAL by sharing these journals with both new members and non-members.
If your society is interested
in one mixed box (or more) of these great journals to use as publicity for the
AHS and your society, please email me with your society name and the name and
address where we are to ship the box(es). There is no charge for this
We plan to be able to ship
this fall. There will be approximately 30-36 past issues in each box. We have a
limited supply, so send that email early!
We hope you will take
advantage of this free offer provided by the AHS for the benefit of all.
Contact Barb Schroeder

Cindy Tomashek, Vice President, Conventions
Nashville grand?? Even if you didn’t get to the Grand Ole Opry, the
2012 AHS National Convention attendees were treated to the finest
southern hospitality including a very broad spectrum of entertaining
and educational opportunities and an interesting assortment of
beautiful gardens ranging in scale from very small, but spectacular to
sprawling and special. Hats off to convention co-chairs, Cornelia
Holland and Virginia Gregory-Kocaj for their thoughtful attention to
detail that resulted in a flawless convention and a wonderful experience
for everyone!!
AHS Auction
behalf of the AHS, I would like to thank all the donors and bidders who
contributed to making the Live Auction a success. Every donation was
most appreciated as were the generous bids! Be sure to check out The
Online Journal this fall for more important news about auction awards.
year’s auction was the first of many to come that was run almost
completely by AHS with the exception of the incredible help of Steve
Watson. Steve accepted auction shipments, cared for them (and potted
many shipped bare root), and delivered them all to the convention hotel
to be inventoried and labeled prior to the auction. Steve’s help was
priceless! Thanks to Cornelia and Virginia for making arrangements for
auction holding and other necessities of the auction and to Betty
Dennis for providing critical information when requested. This was
truly a team effort and behind the scenes there was a flurry of
activity to ensure all the donations and donors were entered into a
database and properly labeled. An awesome team comprised of Vickie
LeCocq, Gregg and Amy Peterson (and Gregg’s computer), Doug Beilstein,
Kim Larsen, Mary Schwartzbauer, and Harlan Stockton worked hard to
stitch together all the parts and without them this event would have
floundered. We all learned a lot and worked well together, and we
discovered ways to streamline things for the future.
auction can be successful without our reliable entourage of Auctioneers
who lend an atmosphere of fun entertainment to the business of the
auction: Mark Zilis, Bob Solberg, Tom Micheletti, Kim Larsen, Don Dean,
and Mike Shadrack. Thanks to everyone working the room as spotters,
plant movers, cashiers, and clerks: Barb and Rick Schroeder, Nancy
Solberg, Paula Lehtola, Becki Micheletti, Sandy Tomashek, Sandie
Markland, Vickie LeCocq, and Ernie Jeffrey. What a terrific group of
volunteers!! Gosh, I hope no one’s gone unrecognized!!
no doubt that the Friendship Plant remains so… If your group would like
to host a future AHS convention, now is the time to start a
conversation, so give me a call or send an email. We are seeking hosts
for the year 2015 and beyond. There is a wealth of past convention
experience to help you through the planning process – just ask, and it
will be provided!
I am still savoring the reunions with hosta friends and the terrific
gardens we visited in Nashville, I’m already anticipating a unique
“Escape to Wisconsin” in 2013. Be sure to save the dates for June
13-15, 2013, and start dreaming about the beautiful gardens. If you saw
the promo slideshow, you know what I mean!
Contact Cindy Tomashek

Sandy Markland,
Membership Secretary
is important to keep the AHS Membership Secretary informed of changes
in your contact information. If you do not receive AHS mailings due to
an unreported change of address, a $6.00 payment is required to cover
the cost of shipping and handling for the replacement issue. Please send address changes to the Membership Secretary as promptly as possible.
Individuals who travel between summer and
winter homes should advise the Membership Secretary of their change of
address approximately 6 weeks in advance.
AHS Memberships run from January 1 through December 31 regardless of
when an individual joins or renews. The year of your membership
expiration immediately follows your name on the mailing sheet which
accompanies each mailing you receive from the AHS. The second Journal
mailing of each year (due out in late summer/early fall) is always
accompanied by a renewal form. It is important to renew in a timely
manner in order to avoid the $5.00 late fee which MUST be applied to
all renewals mailed or entered online after January 15 of each calendar
AHS Memberships make great gifts for your gardening friends - or great door prizes for your local club events!
Sandie Contact Sandie Markland

Rob Mortko, Vice President, Genus Hosta
HVX Research Update
current AHS sponsored Hosta Virus X (HVX) research project with Dr. Ben
Lockhart at the University of Minnesota is now in full swing. Another
instance of HVX infection via soil transmission has been confirmed this
Please do not plant another hosta in the same spot where an HVX infected plant has been removed.
number of perennials (including arisaema, cimicifuga, hakonechloa,
heuchera, hemerocallis, polygonatum, trillium and tricyrtis) have been
inoculated with HVX and will be tested periodically for the presence of
HVX. At issue here is whether HVX is truly hosta specific or not.
Thirteen different HVX isolates have now been
identified with each producing different types of symptoms on the same
cultivar. This helps explain why HVX does not always appear as the
classic “ink blot” pattern starting at a leaf vein as seen in this picture of H. 'Sum and Substance'.
Contact Rob Mortko

Chuck Zdeb, Vice President, Judging and Exhibitions
Judging and Exhibitions
those of you that missed the convention in Nashville, you missed a
great example of Southern hospitality. It only rained at night while we
were inside, and we were treated to some very nice gardens. The leaf
show had almost 600 entries and the leaf quality was what you would
expect from a national show.
We had a lively Clinic III at the show, and I thought I would report on some of the discussion:
something that came up in relation to three shows this year. Is it
proper or allowed for someone to bring and enter leaves for another
person? We had shows where entrants showed up with leaves brought from
people who could not come to the show. Since this is not directly
addressed in the Judge’s Handbook, I made the decision to leave this up
to the show chair. The second item up for discussion was whether or not
entries should be entered under two names (i.e., Mr. and Mrs. Smith).
Both items led to long discussions, with arguments on both sides of the
issue. Ultimately, it was decided that if either circumstance was a
problem for societies holding shows that: A) it should be addressed in
the show schedule, and B) if not addressed in the show schedule, then
it should still be up to the show chair.
discussion item was whether or not to do away with the “Best of
Show”award. Because smaller leaves seem to win more often than larger
leaves, why not call each section winner the “Best of Show” in that
size range? We took a straw poll of those judges present, and to my
surprise, the overwhelming majority voted to do away with the “Best of
Show” award. I would like to hear your feedback on this subject.
the leaf show, we used the stamp which puts the length and width of the
cultivar on the entry tag. Overwhelmingly, the judges thought it helped
to speed up the judging process and to help make the entries better.
Entrants seemed to pay more attention to the size of the leaves they
were entering. Any club wishing to use the stamp should let me know,
and I will mail it out for their use.
seem to be catching up to errors on the classification list. We only
found three at the national show. So please keep up the good work. If
you find errors, take the time to report them to Judy Burns. She can
correct them only if you report them.
everyone needs to read their current Judge’s Handbook. Updates were set
with the last Judge’s Corner and the handbook on the AHS website has
been brought up to date.
Thanks, keep judging!
Contact Chuck Zdeb
2013 AHS Convention Escape to Wisconsin |

It's time to start planning for the 2013 AHS Convention! I know there have been a lot of questions surrounding next year’s convention. Hopefully, the convention preview presentation shown at this year’s convention
in Nashville answered a lot of those questions. It is a full
convention, but in an abbreviated time frame. There will be no buses
touring gardens. Attendees will drive themselves to gardens with
directions provided. Those that fly into Milwaukee will be matched with
attendees who drive in. I am confident that every attendee will be able
to find a ride to tour the gardens. It is my personal goal to make sure
everyone that needs a ride will get a ride. Hosta people are a friendly
bunch and pitch in to help out where needed. |
Thursday, June 13
The convention begins in the afternoon
Hosta Show entries received
Vending Opens Hostatality
Friday, June 14
A full day of convention activies
Hosta Show entries received and judged
Garden Tours (carpool to gardens)
Judge's Clinics
Silent Auction
Awards Banquet
Saturday, June 15
A full day of convention activies
Garden Tours (carpool to gardens)
AHS Business Meeting
Live Auction
Awards Banquet
Future Convention Meeting
A website with more information is being created, and exact times and schedules will be posted at a later date.
The registration fee for this convention is only $139 per attendee.
All of the activities will take place at the Sheraton Milwaukee
Brookfield Hotel, 375 S. Moorland Rd., Brookfield, WI 53005.
Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at (262) 364-1010. The
hotel rate is $105 per night which includes a hot buffet breakfast.

Bob Olson,
Editor, The Hosta Journal
The Hosta Journal
Issue 43.2 of The Hosta Journal
is in the late stages of preparation, and we hope to have it in the
mail in August. This issue contains the 2011 Popularity Poll and the
winning photos from our annual photo contest.
also features some of the current hot items in the Hosta Society - like
miniature hostas - in addition to the latest recommendations on how to
prevent Hosta Virus X from spreading throughout your garden.
There are more articles on a variety of subjects and from an array of authors. I think you will like it.
It is the mission of The Hosta Journal
to present the topics of interest to the membership, but sometimes it
is hard to figure out what you would like to read about and discuss.
Both Don Dean and I are open to suggestions and welcome questions and
criticism. (We like praise, but usually get more useful information
from criticism.) So please tell us what you like and what you don’t
like in each issue - and what you’d like to see in future edition.

Bob Contact Bob Olson

Josh Spece, Web Editor-in-Chief
2012 AHS Popularity Poll
is time to cast your votes for the annual AHS Hosta Popularity Poll!
Take a stroll through your garden to refresh your memory of your
favorite hostas, then log on and vote.
Popularity Poll voting is only open to AHS members so once you are on the American Hosta Society website (click on the link below), click the “Members” link along the left side of the page. You will then need to enter the member's password. The password is published in The Hosta Journal.
If you do not have your journal handy, you can contact the AHS
Membership Secretary for the password. Once you enter the password,
click “Submit”.
You are now logged into the "Members Only" area of the website. You can access the Popularity Poll voting page by clicking the “Popularity Poll” link on the left side of the page.
Once you are on the Popularity Poll voting page scroll down to the bold heading that says “Online Voting”. Follow the instructions on the page to cast your votes.
It is very important to NOT
press the Enter or Return key on your keyboard after you begin entering
your votes! Doing so will submit your ballot before it is complete. (Unfortunately, this is a “feature” of the polling service the AHS uses and is beyond our control.)
Anyone who has trouble voting is more than welcome to contact me for help!
Contact Josh Spece

Andy Marlow, Photo Editor, The Hosta Journal
2012 AHS/Hosta Journal Photo Contest
Even though the
winners of the 2011 AHS/Hosta Journal Photo Contest have not yet been
published, it really is time to be taking photos of you and your
colleague's outstanding hostas for the 2012 contest. The deadline for
entries is December 1, but hostas are at their peak right now and
begging to have their photos taken!
Photo Contest Categories
Category 1: Best Hosta Close-up
And we do mean close-up! Focus on a single leaf or just a few at the most.
Category 2: Best Picture of an Entire Mature Hosta Clump
sure it's a well-grown clump. Give us a sense of its total impact on
the senses. Identify the cultivar and the grower's garden for us.
Category 3: Best Landscape Picture Showing Multiple Clumps
Identify all of the hostas in the photo and keep the focus on hostas. Again, identify the plants and growers.
Category 4: Best Landscape Picture Involving Hosta
Can include other plants, garden structures or other non-plant accessories.
Category 5: Artistic Impression
your imagination run wild, but the photo must contain a hosta element.
It can include digital manipulation ("Photo Shopping"), montage,
wildlife, etc. If there are any people in the photo, they must be
identified in the entry.
can enter up to 10 photos per category. Entries must be digital with a
file size of at least 1 MB or a resolution of 300 d.p.i. so they will
look good if published in The Hosta Journal.
You can send them on a disc (CD or DVD) or email them to me a few at a
time. If you are interested in using Dropbox as a way to submit photos,
email me, and I’ll tell you how it works.
Andy Marlow 10700 Minnetonka Blvd Hopkins, MN 55305-4404
Contact Andy Marlow
year for the past fifteen, two widely separated hosta clubs have gotten
together to put on a symposium at the halfway point. The Daffodil and
Hosta Society of Western Pennsylvania (more or less based in the
Pittsburgh area) and the Western New York Hosta Society (Buffalo,
NY-ish) have always had a great relationship and so organizing a
symposium together came naturally.
we like to keep it educational, but FUN, we have always had a theme.
Over the years we have had a Clint Eastwood theme (all the talks were
based on his movies), a Dutch Treat theme (and we invited Marco Fransen
from Holland and CH Falstad from Holland, Michigan), a Seven Samurai
theme where we focused on Japanese hostas and plants and an Americana
theme when Olga Petryszyn was our main speaker. Last year the theme was
“Wild Thang” – you can read the details in last fall’s Online Journal. The formula for the Forum is always two hosta speakers and two complimentary non-hosta speakers.
Our fifteenth Fall Hosta Forum theme is based on the
journey that is gardening – and our relationship with the plants it
contains. We’re going to hear about a real journey – from Tennessee to
Michigan with a famous hosta program, we’re going to hear from the
“Wizard” himself – Mark Zilis – about tissue culture and how it changed
the hosta world… and we are going to hear from two very famous
plantsmen, Joseph Tychonievich (if I only had a heart) loves the plants
he works with and wants you to love them too… and Lloyd Traven
(courage) who will challenge you to leave your comfort zone and try
something NEW!
We’re calling it:
“Off to See the Wizard”
The day consists of a continental breakfast, four
speakers, buffet lunch, vending, and a live and silent auction. And it
all takes place in a charming 100 year old country inn just south of
Erie, Pennsylvania. The Riverside Inn is a quaint hotel with lovely grounds and atmosphere.

Our speakers are:
since so many people now come in Friday night and stay at the Riverside
Inn, we have added a Friday night element along with a Dutch Treat
dinner. This year we’re going to have some fun with the theme… don’t
miss it.
year’s Forum is scheduled for September 8th. We’d love to have you!
Please contact us for a brochure and registration packet.
Don’t make us send the
flying monkeys!
Kathy Shadrack Contact Kathy Shadrack
Contact The Riverside Inn

Don Dean, Editor, The Online Journal
The Online Journal
The Online Journal team is in full swing working to create its third issue of The Online Journal.
There have been a few unexpected changes since the last issue, but much
of what our members have come to expect from this team - primarily the
quality - will remain unchanged.
members of the original team have left to pursue other interests and
address other needs. An immense expression of gratitude is extended to
Carol Brashear, Ken Harris, and Bill Meyer for all of the countless
hours devoted toward making the first two issues a great success and
helping to develop the format that provides a map for new team members
to follow.
new members have joined the team. Rick Schroeder has stepped into the
role of photo editor with support from Joanna Kovalcsik. Floyd Rogers
has accepted the role of page formatting and technology that positions
all of the information into the pages that all of our readers enjoy.

will notice a shift to the primary focus of the year’s annual AHS
convention with a few select articles from the many categories
previously provided. Each issue will begin to look more like the length
and breadth of the more familiar print version as number three of each
year’s volume. The online format still allows us the ability to handle
longer articles and extensive photography along with links to active
websites, etc.
Nashville Gardens:
the Holland Garden (left)
and the Page Garden (right).
welcome new and innovative ideas, articles of interest, and
suggestions. Continue to contact me as in the past if you have ideas by
going to any masthead in any version of THJ or OLJ
for the contact details. The previous two years have taught this team
that time becomes crucial for receiving articles and photographs if we
are to be able to complete all of the work needed to publish the
information. The deadline for submission is October 1st and will be
strictly adhered to each year. We will make every attempt to meet the
posted launch date and will aim for Thanksgiving Day once again this
year. We begin work on the new issue prior to January each year. Your
ideas are welcome before the October deadline.
Happy gardening on behalf of the OLJ Team,
Contact Don Dean
AHS Membership
The American Hosta Society
(AHS) is a society dedicated to the study and improvement of the genus Hosta, and the dissemination of general and
scientific knowledge about them. There
are many benefits for the members that result from these efforts - both social
and in nursery trade. AHS members receive several
publications a year including two colorful issues of The Hosta Journal (mailed), four E-Newsletters (emailed), The
Online Journal (posted on the AHS website for AHS members only). All of these publications offer articles on
cultivation tips, propagation techniques, landscape uses, new cultivars and old
species, pioneers and personalities, scientific advances, convention awards and
gardens, and news about the AHS.
opportunity to attend national meetings and conventions which offer
educational and scientific presentations, garden tours, judge's
clinics, and a chance to see the latest and best hosta in the hosta show.
*A Biennial AHS Membership Directory
*The priviledge of visiting display gardens throughout the country, many of which are only open to AHS members.
*An invitation to exhibit your favorite hostas and compete for
recognition in various AHS National and Regional hosta shows.
*Developing friendships with people who share an interest in growing hostas.
*Access to the "Member's Only" section of the AHS website.

The early spring coloration of H. 'Gone Fishin' in the garden of Bruce and Trudy Van Wyk.
Photos courtesy of Trudy Van Wyk