Hosta Seedling Competition
Reldon Ramsey

The Hosta Seed Growers (HSG) will hold a Hosta Seedling Competition at the same time as the 2014 American Hosta Society National Convention in Cedar Rapids, IA, in the convention hotel. 

Convention attendees can enter hosta seedlings of their own in the competition. There is a limit of 3 seedlings per Division and a total of 15 seedlings per entrant. An entry fee of $5 will be charged for each seedling. 50% of each fee will go towards funding future HSG Seedling Competitions and 50% will go to Building A Dream In The Country. 

Time will be set aside for AHS convention attendees to view and vote on the seedlings. The votes will be tallied and winners will be awarded prizes, after which the seedlings will be open to viewing again. 

(Please note that this is for hosta seedlings ONLY. There is no category for hosta sports.) 

The Hosta Seed Growers group is not affiliated with the American Hosta Society. Thanks to the Harshbarger Hosta Society and the American Hosta Society for allowing Hosta Seed Growers to hold the HSG Seedling Competition at the same time as the 2014 AHS National Convention 

To view the rules of the HSG Seedling Competition, click HERE

To see a printable HSG Seedling Competition registration form, click HERE 

About Hosta Seed Growers 

The Hosta Seed Growers forum was started by Rod Kuenster in 2007 to enable the exchange of information about all aspects of hosta hybridizing and hosta seed growing. Rod is well known for his excellent work with streaked hostas. He has registered a number of his hybrids and many carry the ‘Cosmic’ prefix. His streaked breeding plants and seed from them are highly prized by other hybridizers. 

The Hosta Seed Growers Forum is open to all who wish to learn more about hosta hybridizing and the growing of hosta seed. The forum has members from across the United States and Canada as well as Europe and New Zealand. 

Group members enjoy spending time together at AHS and MRHS conventions, Hosta College, the Winter Scientific Meeting, and Hybridizers meetings, and they share those experiences on the forum with members who are unable to attend. Close friendships have been formed by many active in the online group. 

To view HSG Forum posts, you first need to become a forum member. Membership is free and easy to accomplish in just a minute or two. To register on the Hosta Seed Growers Forum, click HERE and click on the “Register” link in the upper left.

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