Meet the New Board Members

Don Dean
AHS President

Don Dean was first introduced to hosta in 1984, when his mother gave him a sizeable chunk of Hosta ‘Undulata’, taken from an old established clump in her yard. Don and family moved to their current home site, located upon a wooded lot in Ramsey, Minnesota, in 1987. He joined a local garden club looking for solutions to a newfound gardening problem, shade. A visit to a hosta collector’s garden created the ‘hook’ and set Don upon a path involving hosta from that point to the present.

Don volunteered as a bus captain for the 1990 AHS National Convention in Minneapolis, MN. He attended the Midwest Regional convention that same year. Conversation ran wild, leading to him co-founding and becoming the first president of the Minnesota Hosta Society. He began growing seeds under lights in 1991.

National and regional meetings became regular annual events, with Don volunteering primarily during auctions. The Peoria convention of 1998 marked the start of a 10-year period of service as the AHS Auction Chair. The AHS Online Auction was created by Don in 2002 and continues to the present; it is still coordinated by Don. The need for an Online Journal became apparent in 2010. Don was part of the original four that pioneered its creation and has been the Editor for the past two years. This year, 2013, marks the beginning of his service as President of the AHS.
Judy Feltman

Judy Feltman has been gardening for over 30 years and has lived at ‘our little house here in the woods’ since 2006. She is passionate about collecting and caring for her plants, plus she enjoys sharing her gardens with individuals along with local gardening groups. Judy has been a Master Gardener for more than 20 years and is a past president of the Birmingham Fern Society.  

In 2010, Judy started her retail business after the Central Alabama Hosta Society stopped conducting hosta sales. Hostas on the Hill Gardens and Nursery is located at her Leeds, Alabama, home. She had grown the hostas offered for sale by the Society the previous three years. Judy is a member of the American Hosta Growers Association; she currently serves as President of the Central Alabama Hosta Society and as Director of the Dixie Regional Hosta Society.

Now Treasurer of the American Hosta Society, Judy was bookkeeper for a central Alabama company for six years. She was then an executive assistant at South Trust Bank (no longer in existence due to its purchase by Wachovia and then Wells Fargo) in Birmingham from 1994 until her retirement in 2004.
Marcia Sully
Recording Secretary

Marcia Sully, a retired educator with thirty-three years of service, has always had a passion for gardening. Her interest in hostas intensified when she joined the Western New York Hosta Society. Her enthusiasm increased in proportion to the size of her gardens in Eden, New York, and hostas now dominate the landscape.  

Her efforts led to her gardens being selected as part of the Buffalo National Garden Festival Open Garden Walk during the month of July for the past three years, as well as being listed in the Open Garden Directory published yearly by her hosta society. Marcia’s latest endeavors involve growing seedlings and registering some of her hostas.
Marcia is a member of the American Hosta Society, as well as a number of local garden clubs and plant societies. She currently serves as Secretary on the board of directors of the Western New York Hosta Society, and is a contributor to their newsletters. As a representative on the Great Lakes Regional Hosta Society board of directors, she actively participates in the planning of the Region Four Hosta College in Piqua, Ohio, each year. Marcia attends AHS Conventions on a regular basis and has been one of the editors, as well as an author, for the AHS Online Journal since its inception. She looks forward to her new role as the AHS Recording Secretary.
Gregg Peterson
Vice President Judging & Exhibitions

Gregg Peterson’s interest in the “friendship plant” began in 1999 with the purchase of several non-descript hostas to fill a shady corner of his yard. The hosta “bug” bit, and he and his wife, Amy, have since had over 1100 different varieties at their home in Roseville, Minnesota, then 250 varieties at a home on Bainbridge Island in Washington State, and now, approximately 530 different cultivars at their current home in Oakdale, Minnesota. The one hosta Gregg credits for starting his addiction is Hosta montana ‘Aureomarginata’, and he still loves spotting a clump in a tour garden. H. ‘Striptease’ and its family of sports are also favorites. Recently, he has developed a special affinity for the “minis” and enjoys incorporating them into container gardens. 

For over two years, Gregg was a Master Gardener in Kitsap County, Washington, and for more than eight years he has occupied that role in Ramsey County, Minnesota. He worked for over six years at a local retail nursery in the Twin Cities, serving as the “hosta guy” in the perennials area, helping gardeners with their hosta and shade companion plant selections and questions

Gregg is the current President of the Minnesota Hosta Society and is finishing the final year of his second two-year term, having previously served as Vice President. He joined the Society literally days after missing the 2000 AHS convention, hosted by MHS!! Gregg is also a member of the Midwest Regional Hosta Society and the American Hosta Society, where he serves as a Master Judge for AHS Convention Hosta Shows, along with being a Judge’s Clinic instructor.

Cindy Deutekom
Vice President Genus Hosta

Cindy Deutekom, from Blackstock, Ontario, has had quite a journey into the hosta world. Like many, her mother had that green and white one that came up beautifully in the spring and before long was just a series of holes. She kept resisting her mother’s offers of a clump, complete with slugs! Since her mother loved hostas, Cindy began buying them for her for Mother’s Day and birthdays. Finally, it hit her, “Hey, they can be beautiful!” She was hooked.

Cindy and her family moved to an acre property in the summer of 1998, with a blank slate for gardens. So began her online search for hostas. A few years later, Goldenbrook Hostas, a home-based business, was started. In the early years, it was part-time, as Cindy worked full-time as a Business Analyst for E.D.S. Goldenbrook has grown from selling 50 hostas at the bottom of the driveway to over 2,000 a year!

Cindy joined the Ontario Hosta Society in the summer of 1999 and began learning more about hostas. In 2007, a position became available on the Executive Committee as Hosta Adoption Program Coordinator. Cindy was honored to become vice president in 2009 and then president in 2010. Her term as president has been ‘exciting, challenging, and rewarding all at the same time.’  Cindy looks forward to bringing her love for hostas and the experience of serving on a board to the American Hosta Society.

Reldon Ramsey
Editor, Online Journal

Reldon Ramsey discovered the diversity of hostas for the first time in the Spring of 2002, as he collected perennials for a memorial butterfly garden for his wife, who had died of cancer the previous November. He purchased a few for a shady spot and kept finding more varieties. Soon, hostas had become a full-blown addiction. Next, he found online forums devoted to hosta and then hosta clubs, joining the Shady Choice Hosta Society in 2002 and the Russ O’Harra Hosta Society in 2003. Reldon attended the 2003 Winter Scientific Meeting, followed that summer by his first convention, the Midwest Regional in St. Louis. At every hosta event, Reldon had the opportunity to meet more online hosta forum friends.

In 2011, Reldon became Editor of Hosta Horizons, the Russ O’Harra Hosta Society’s newsletter and sent out his first issue. A few weeks later, while attending the Winter Scientific Meeting he was asked by Tom Micheletti to become the Editor of the AHS eNewsletter, which had just sent out its first electronic issue. Reldon agreed and has continued editing both newsletters and writing for the ROHS newsletter along with pursuing his interest in hybridizing.
Reldon is currently a member of the Russ O’Harra Hosta Society, Harshbarger Hosta Society, Midwest Regional Hosta Society, and the American Hosta Society. He is honored to become Editor of the Online Journal and pleased that he can contribute to the American Hosta Society that has given him so much.

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