The Highest Award made annually by the AHS honoring an individual who has contributed much to the Hosta World.

The recipient is chosen by a special committee that bases selection on merit. Nominations received alert this committee to valuable information, achievements and individual contributions, of which the committee may otherwise not been aware; therefore, it values any and all input.

The nominee must have contributed materially and significantly to the betterment of the genus Hosta, The American Hosta Society, or both, and/or to the development of hosta awareness either as an active developer and promoter or as a support person. Relate specific instances and/or examples; attach extra pages as needed.

Please be advised, however, that the decision is based on merit alone and no decision will be based on the number of nominations.

Please e-mail nominations to:
Mike Shadrack

Or mail to:

Mike Shadrack, VP Awards and Honors
8399 Zimmerman Road
Hamburg, NY 14075

Before 1st April 2014

On a separate sheet detail the reasons for your nomination, then email or mail to above address.

Cutoff Date for 2014 Nominations is April 1, 2014
This award is designed to recognize annually an AHS member who has hybridized a significant number of registered hosta; has demonstrated an advanced knowledge of the genus Hosta and a willingness to share that information with others; and has given us notable advances in color combinations, leaf shapes, flower arrangement and petiole colors.

The Award recognizse an individual’s body of achievement in hybridizing rather than a single significant plant and the focus is on quality rather than quantity of registrations. It does not recognize the development of sports.

The honor may be awarded posthumously.  




Please e-mail nominations to:

Mike Shadrack

Or mail to:
Mike Shadrack, VP Awards and Honors
8399 Zimmerman Road
Hamburg, NY 14075
Before 1st April 2014


On a separate sheet detail the reasons for your nomination, then email or mail to above address.

Cutoff Date for 2014 Nominations is April 1, 2014

To print a form for mailing, click HERE.

 Cutoff Date for 2014 Nominations is April 1, 2014

The time has come again for you to put on your thinking caps and make the effort to recognize some of your fellow hostaholics for their contributions to the American Hosta Society. Each year the Eunice Fisher Award and the Alex J. Summers Awards recognize those members who have contributed in significant ways. The Fisher Award for those whose contributions lie mainly in the area of hybridizing and the Summers Awards recognizing service to the genus or to our society or both.

You may think that someone else is going to nominate the person you have in mind as being the most deserving. You may be wrong! Maybe everyone thought someone else nominated them too! It will only take you a few minutes to fill out a nomination to get the word in about some deserving member. Please help us consider those who may be deserving of these honors.

As far as I know I’m the only one in the entire society who can not send in a nomination. I am the tie breaker on both selection committees. This means I am counting on all of you to send in a nomination. Thanks in advance for your contributions.

Mike Shadrack
VP Awards and Honors
American Hosta Society