AHS Member Survey:
Help Us Build the Society

Mike Greanya

The American Hosta Society needs your help. For far too long, the voluntary functions that keep the AHS on track have been provided by a handful of dedicated individuals who tirelessly work to bring you quality conventions, publications and events throughout each and every year. Our organization, like most, is supported and operates primarily through the volunteer assistance it receives from its members. With your help, the AHS will be able to continue to do the things it does each and every year. 

At the 2013 Convention in Milwaukee, a sincere request was made by the incoming president, Don Dean, calling for more members to become involved in the process to assure successful conventions in the future. Aside from conventions, there are many other tasks that the AHS Board and committee chairs are responsible for annually. These tasks are sometimes difficult for one individual to accomplish when tight deadlines are imposed. There are many times when the Board wishes it had help, but doesn’t know whom to ask. Until now, there has never been a mechanism in place to pair committee chairs and organizers of events with people who might be willing to help but never knew how to go about volunteering. 

To assist in pairing organizers with volunteers, the AHS is in the infancy stage of developing a database of members’ skill sets so that those who want to volunteer can be contacted by the AHS when assistance is needed. By completing and returning the accompanying survey (Click Here), you are helping us to get one step closer to a workable system of tapping volunteers. This does not necessarily mean that you will be called upon immediately but know that your willingness to help is the most important thing right now! This new database is intended to identify a member’s willingness to serve and the information on their particular talents so that they can be paired with the right job when the time comes. 

Some of the areas where volunteers may be needed are listed below. Please come back to these categories when completing the survey below to fill in some of the blanks toward the end of the survey. 

  • Administrative - clerical, customer service, education, grant writing, information technology, law, logistics, parliamentary procedure, scientific research. 
  • Financial - bookkeeping, accounting, fund raising. 
  • Publicity & Advertising - publicity, publishing, public speaking, printing, photography, web design, writing, editing, communications, event planning. 
  • Leaf Show - help setting up at conventions, staffing and assisting registration tables, running leaves to show, securing judges and organizing judges’ breakfast and assignments. 
  • Merchandising - maintaining and transporting inventory to events. 
  • Auction - soliciting donations, data base of plants, organizers at conventions.
  • Awards & Honors - organize, increase, and maintain the list of awards that are 'sponsored' by the AHS, Societies and individuals. 
  • Garden Selection - public display gardens, applications, approval process, order plaque once approved by the board, verify continuation on a schedule, contact AHS members to encourage more involvement, maintain list to ensure website posting is accurate, send amended lists to VP to be communicated to Web Editor,  garden landscape design, horticulture. 

Any questions you may have regarding volunteering or volunteer services may be directed to the AHS Volunteer Coordinator below. We wish to extend our sincere appreciation for taking the time to fill out the requested information and offering your time and resources. It is volunteers like you who will make this organization better and stronger for years to come. You may email or send a hard copy through the USPS to:

Michael Greanya
AHS Volunteer Coordinator
2204 Vandemere Dr.
Jackson, MI 49201 


Only American Hosta Society (AHS) Board members or those directed by the AHS Board to access for official AHS business will keep all information confidential and available for use. The information you provide will never be sold or made available to any other entity without you expressed written permission.


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