It’s exciting to see which hostas bring the highest bids during each year’s annual online auction. Take a look at the items that brought the highest bids ($165+) at the 2023 AHS On-Line Auction.
H. ‘Kirkside Golden Parachute’ OS (C. Hanna – 2021)
Clarence Hanna’s newly registered H. ‘Kirkside Golden Parachute’ is magnificent to behold and choice for breeding. Large, corrugated golden leaves form a 28 x 66 inch mound of foliage with slightly ruffled edges and deeply impressed veins. Viewed from above, each round convex leaf gives the impression of a parachute descending to earth. The clump’s sunny color continues to intensify as the season progresses. In July, the pretty lavender-striped flowers appear inflating big hosta dreams. ‘Kirkside Golden Parachute’ has only been divided once for TC. Now, Clarence offers the top bidder a 2-eye OS division. The successful bidder must agree not to propagate, sell or share the plant without permission. Don’t bail out of the auction without your parachute! You’ll be floating on air if you win.
H. ‘Danica Poul’ (Hosta Danmark/H. & H. Hansen – NR)
‘Danica Poul’ is one of a kind. Streaks, spots, flecks, you describe it. We shall stick with distinctive. Many may mistake this yellow leaved plant which later darkens to medium green as a plant with suspect variegation. Evidence points to this is not the case. It is in the collections some of the most avid hosta collectors in Europe who have reported that ‘Danica Poul’ has tested negative for virus. The plant does green up later in the season which is also a characteristic of a non-virused Hosta. An old plant from pre-90’s time, H. ‘Cynthia’, exhibits similar traits but not as dramatic (it also has proven to be clean of virus following several tests). This one is in the medium size category.This may be the ONLY plant in country to our knowledge.
Mason Hollow has made all of the arrangements and generously has gotten it into this country in order to send you a division of this unique hosta come spring.
H. ‘White Christmas’ (Mobjack Form) (G. Krossa & Palmer – 1999)
If you’ve had trouble growing ‘White Christmas’ in the past, you might want to try this one. Chick used to order all of Bridgewood Gardens’ plants of ‘White Christmas’ from Mobjack Nurseries in Virginia because they were the only plants of this beautiful but difficult variety that grew well for him. In an article in the 2012 Vol 2 issue of the Hosta Journal stated that the Mobjack plant is most likely a tetraploid form, and, if so, it should have a different name, which will probably never happen. Quoting from the article, “It is apparent that the nursery recognized the new cultivar as being different and superior.” Chick will send a 2-eye or better division in the spring.
H. ‘Crazy Hazy’ (M. & J. Fransen)
Hosta ‘Craze Hazy’ OS (M. & J. Fransen) came directly from the Fansen’s during one of Chuck’s visits to their place. The popular “blush” of purple up the middle of the leaves upon ‘Purple Haze’ has been a popular plant for folks a long time. This sport of H. ‘Purple Haze’ has the same blue-green leaves we are familiar but adds a subtle yellow margin with that same purple glow in the foliage. Chuck and Sue of Mason Hallow will ship a two quart or better (known as they emerge) sized plant to the winning bidder in the spring.
Offer #2 — Wasitis 3 Streaked Seedlings – for One Bid!
Chick Wasitis digs into his personal treasure trove of OS-streaked plants to offer this item! All photos are examples of the plant material that he offers but not the exact plants offered. He will provide the high bidder an array of 6 photos of divisions from streaked plants he has used in the past. All are fertile and have produced streaked seedlings and he will send divisions that have maintained good streaking. All are medium to large size. The winner may then select from the array THEIR choice. That is correct, the high bidder gets their choice from a variety of unique streaked plants, all coming from proven streaked breeding parents. Be assured that Chick used some of the best of the best breeding stock available. Obviously NOT first year seedlings! These are multiple years old.
Wasitis 3 Streaked Seedlings – for One Bid!
Chick Wasitis digs into his personal treasure trove of OS-streaked plants to offer this item! All photos are examples of the plant material that he offers but not the exact plants offered. He will provide the high bidder an array of 6 photos of divisions from streaked plants he has used in the past. All are fertile and have produced streaked seedlings and he will send divisions that have maintained good streaking. All are medium to large size. The winner may then select from the array THEIR choice. That is correct, the high bidder gets their choice from a variety of unique streaked plants, all coming from proven streaked breeding parents. Be assured that Chick used some of the best of the best breeding stock available. Obviously NOT first year seedlings! These are multiple years old.
H. ‘Lachman Legacy’ OS DOUBLE Division (W. & E. Lachman – 2014)
Donated by Steve and Ruth Greene, Sudbury, Massachusetts. SCARCE. VERY LIMITED IN THE MARKETPLACE. ONLY IN A FEW GARDENS IN THE NORTHEAST. ‘Lachman Legacy’ is a William and Eleanor Lachman seedling, perhaps the last plant directly from their extensive breeding program.
Bill Lachman was professor of plant and soil sciences at University of Massachusetts in Amherst (1936-1976). His field of study involved corn and tomato genetics. Eleanor was a horticulture degree student at UMass and worked in the lab. There she caught Bill’s eye; they married. Both have passed away: Bill in 1998 at 88, Eleanor in 2004 at 89.
Bill and Eleanor began hybridizing daylilies as a hobby. Their interest in hostas started after a visit to their garden in the 1970s by Kevin Vaughn, who was crossing hosta cultivars and studying hosta genetics. They lived only 15 miles from where Kevin’s folks lived.
The Lachmans began breeding hostas in 1978 and continued for nearly 20 years. Their first registration was in 1986. There are 68 W. & E. Lachman hybrids and sports in the AHS Registry.‘Lachman Legacy’ traces to the 2009 AHS National Convention in Lansing, Michigan. There, the 2009 Eunice Fisher Hybridizer Award was presented to William and Eleanor Lachman posthumously. Their daughter, Elizabeth, flew in from Berlin, Germany, where she was living, to accept the award for her parents and give the acceptance speech.
Doug Beilstein, then AHS VP Honors and Awards and future AHS President (2011-2013), brought a special rare Lachman breeding hosta that he had in his garden in Ohio to the convention’s auction to coincide with the Fisher award. It was labeled “Lachman Guest Seedling.” The buyer had naming rights.
Steve Greene, compiler of the popular Hosta Finder (now no longer published after 22 editions) and prodigious advocate and supporter of New England hosta hybridizers and their introductions, purchased it. “I wanted to bring a Lachman plant unknown in the trade back to New England,” he explained. The plant sold for $2,400 after a fierce bidding war.
Dean #2 Your Choice of One Double or Better OS
Many seem to like being able to make a choice. Let’s try it again. You win the bid and you choose which one of the following three to have sent in the spring when the plants emerge in Minnesota. Mature, field grown. Select from…
‘Evening Blush’ shown above. This is a captivating blue with blushed petioles that struts its stuff all season. Color holds well into the late season, wavy edge persists and shape of foliage breaks away from many blues, and it is topped off with a 360-degree display of flower scapes in August.
‘Light of Day’ presents a heart shaped leaf with some corrugation and good edge and medial, third, color in the medium/small size category. Center color becomes near white but comparatively late in the season. Dependable performer in partial shade as well as more sun in the north, and a solid display year after year.
‘Kinky Boots’ this is an edged form of ‘Peek-a-boo Purple’ and is very vigorous, clumping up quicky to capture attention. The “legs” contrast dramatically with the narrow, wavy edged foliage in its presentation on this medium/small plant. Take a peek.
H. ‘Big Boss Man’ OS (C. Wasitis – 2021)
Every good garden needs a big, beefy hosta. Chick Wasitis offers H. ‘Big Boss Man’ to fit the bill. This hybrid forms a large upright clump. Registered at 35″ wide, it will probably exceed that measurement. The heart-shaped, moderately wavy blue leaves with creamy-white margins turn green in summer. If you’d like to be the one calling the shots on this hosta, take charge and make the big bid. We promise that we will hear you when you call! Never TC’d and a Bridgewood Gardens exclusive!
‘Long Tall Sally’ OS (C. Wasitis – 2013)
H. ‘Long Tall Sally’ (OS) is the stable form of an unnamed streaked seedlings, registered in 2013. It forms a large upright mound, registered as 48″ wide and 20″ tall, but will probably get a bit larger. Leaves are blue green, turning green in summer, with a wide white margin. Just check out that margin! The plant has not been tissue cultured and only three plants have left the nursery. The true definition of RARE!
H. ‘Quiet Life’ (M. & J. Fransen & D. Van Eechaute – NR)
H ‘Quiet Life’ (Fransen photo) is another plant demonstrating the combined efforts of Fransen and Mason Hollow nurseries; this may be the ONLY plant in country to our knowledge. The quiet life seems very exciting when you consider this attractive donation. A spectacular sport of H. ‘Elvis Lives’ discovered by M. & J. Fransen and Danny Van Eechaute, H. ‘Quiet Life’ shows off long and lively streaked and sometimes spotted leaves of blue-green and yellow that curve and ripple upon arching fountain-like petioles. The medium-to-large clump grows to a height of 19-21 inches. Pretty mauve buds, dozy in the sun, open into lavender-striped flowers. We’re sure you’ll enjoy hushed moments in the garden admiring all of its fine attributes. In the spring, Mason Hollow will send a division to the top bidder.
H. ‘Heebie Jeebies’ OS (C. Wasitis – NR)
This joyful cultivar of unknown parentage comes from one of Chick’s unnamed streaked seedlings. In the spring, the luxurious leaves of blue boast cream margins. Later on, the foliage centers change to green, and the wide edges become white. Chick estimates a mature spread of 30-36”, possibly larger, but he hasn’t let it go undivided long enough to tell, and he’s too old to wait now! You got those Heebie Jeebie Blues? Hosta mamas and papas, shake your shoes, and place your winning bid. Chick will ship you a 2-eye division in the spring. I guarantee you’ll be doing a happy Heebie Jeebie dance when the package arrives! Never tc’d and a Bridgewood Gardens exclusive!